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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Prompt Untuk Membuat Video What if What Would Happen


- Tips, persempit ke niche tertentu

- Tips Pilih niche evergreen, misal health

- Tips pilih niche sesuai passion agr tdk burnout dan enjoy dan asik sndiri krn kadang nemu fakta menarik


Write a “What would happen if” video transcript in one paragraph.


What would happen if the Earth's magnetic field disappears? Imagine Earth with no invisible force field, like the one superheroes have! First, compasses would go crazy, making getting lost even easier! Then, imagine the sun blowing strong wind and harmful rays at us constantly. 

This would mess up electronics like phones and radios, and even burn our skin like super strong sunburn. Plants and animals wouldn't like it either, leading to some disappearing completely. 

The weather would go haywire, making hot days hotter and cold days colder. Even rocks from space might hit us more often without the field stopping them! Over time, Earth would lose its air, becoming like the moon, all dusty and empty. 

So, even though we can't see it, the magnetic field is like a superhero shield protecting our planet and everything on it!

You must obey following rules:

1. Must be in one paragraph.

2. Use friendly and easy to understand tone.

3. Use words and sentences that 10 years old children can easily understand.

4. Must be around 200 words, or the transcript should fit in 1 minute video duration.

5. Do not write the transcript yet, your first reply should be asking me back exactly the following question "Copy that sir, please tell me in what topic the 'What Would Happen If' video transcript should be created? Available options: 1. Random; 2. Technology; 3. Health; 4. Science and Environment; 7. Culture and Entertainment; 8. Sports; 9. Education; 10. Lifestyle; 11. Human Interest; 12. Legal and Justice; 13. Business and Economy; 14. Places; 15. Politics and Government. Please choose by typing the number of your choice".

6. Write the transcript in your next reply, the first sentence should be "What would happen if" or "What if".

Cara pakai prompt #3, langsung copas ke ChatGPT kemudian pilih dari angka 1 - 15 sesuai topik yang diinginkan.

Note: Prompt #3 ini lebih cocok dipakai di ChatGPT, kurang cocok di Google Gemini / Bard.

Prompt untuk membuatkan prompt yang dipakai di Leonardo AI:

Now based on the video script you gave me, generate prompts for each sentence that I can use to generate images using Text To Image Generative AI.

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